Besides Baldwin's advanced technology, Baldwin offers many benefits to our clients:
Customer Service at its Best
We're not a tech company that provides customer service......we're a customer service company that provides technology. See some of our Testimonials
We'll Keep You Compliant
Whether ICAO, EASA, FAA, ISBAO, ISBAH, EASA, Bermuda, Cayman's or Isle of Man, our program is regularly updated to meet regulatory authority requirements. Having been IS-BAO audited by 3rd Party auditors in 2007, 2010 and 2013, as the first International Standards Support Services Affiliate (I3SA) in 2012, and more recently an IS-BAH I3SA accreditation, you can be assured our programs are compliant.
We're Pioneers
Being one of the first companies to utilize cloud-based, agile technology, our software has unlimited capabilities for future enhancements. Listening to our clients, paying attention to regulations, and having a creative team make our programs and services the most advanced in the industry.
Think of Baldwin as your Back Office Safety Team
Our credentialed staff includes decades of operations, safety and maintenance experience, IS-BAO and IS-BAH auditor accreditation, USC Aviation Safety and Just Culture certification, and Embry-Riddle post-graduates.
Our growing group of associated companies offer discounts, integrations and other benefits through Baldwin.
Global Aerospace SM4 Program
Flight Data Services FDM/FOQA
SOS - Emergency Response Services
Colt/World Fuel
Air Charter Safety Foundation