People are Talking!
"In summary, Baldwin is more than an SMS program for our operation, it’s our trackable/archivable communication tool for our organization. It’s a smart pivot point for all communications - organization-wide."
"Good afternoon. I’m in class this week at corporate headquarters but wanted to give you a quick rundown. We had an IS-BAO stage II audit and received our Stage II certification, with no findings or weak areas to correct at all. We as a department are proud of reaching this milestone on the way to Stage III certification. Baldwin was of great help in allowing us to accomplish this major milestone. Thanks from all of us." February 2018
"Recently we encountered a serious fueling hazard that could have developed into a catastrophe if not properly mitigated. Our line technician filed his Safety Report immediately as he is trained to do. That filing resulted in timely management notification through the Baldwin system. Our manager read the short description on his mobile device and, recognizing the severity of the event, stepped in. As a result, the risks were reduced to almost zero. During the reconstruction of the incident we became convinced that, without the Baldwin system, we might not have been as effective in our response.
It works!!" Safety Officer - Charter Management/FBO - February 2018
"I just wanted to let all of you know that we just completed our stage III IS-BAO audit ......it went VERY WELL! We had no findings and he had many flattering things to say about our SMS program. He especially liked how well Baldwin has been integrated into everything we do here. I wanted to thank you and the whole team there at Baldwin for all the hard work and time you have put in helping us with this process. It has been an honor working with all of you during this process. You have made my job as safety officer much easier and you have continued to make Baldwin a valuable tool in our efforts to reaching our safety goals. Thank you again for the great work all of you do!"
"Once again, thanks for all your team does for us. You make safety easy….well a heck of a lot easier, especially for the small operators."
"We analyzed, assessed and evaluated the program to be a far superior model than what we were currently utilizing."
"I have seen great strides in safety culture improvement since we brought on the Baldwin site for people to use."
"Baldwin (was) extremely flexible to our situation and needs and have helped us reach our goal of becoming a “world class” small flight department. And, their influence and involvement continue. We couldn’t have done this without Baldwin.”
"It isn't often I feel compelled to write an unsolicited note on behalf of a Company, or its Principals. I would suggest to any flight department, regardless of size and scope, to implement unified programs such as Global SM4."
“The finest program that I have seen anywhere, bar none. I know when I arrive at a Baldwin client that they will be prepared, be believers in SMS and will be regularly reducing risk in their operations.”
"When we first met to discuss our desire to partner with Baldwin for our SMS program, I truly did not fully appreciate the depth and true value that your program would bring to our flight department. Last ISBAO inspection, which we prepped on our own, we were “barely” qualified ....... to retain standards at Level One. Through our new partnership ..... the Baldwin team and [our] flight department, we recently completed our second attempt at Level Two ISBAO certification and achieved high recommendation ........with ZERO findings noted by the evaluators. This astounding change simply could not have been achieved without our partnership with you, your professional team and the highly comprehensive total Baldwin program."
“We just closed the exit briefing from our IS-BAO Audit. The auditors rated us Stage Three, with no findings or observations. They included a ton of praise for the Baldwin system in their references, and without the system, we never would have attained such a rating."
"After evaluating several companies, Baldwin Aviation was chosen. This SMS Company offered a complete program which could be tailored to our operation. Adoption of the Baldwin SMS operation allowed us to make changes as we felt necessary to our specific missions. Not every company is alike and one size does not fit all. By that, I mean you as the operator have the final word on changes that best suit the way you conduct your business. That being said, Baldwin will provide suggestions that assist you in the development of your safety program."
"We would not have achieved the same level of success without it and within the next 60 days, we will undergo an IS-BAO audit followed by another comprehensive audit from a European Institution. The Baldwin Safety and Compliance Program has proven itself a leader in the industry. In addition to its ongoing challenges to mitigate risks while assisting us to meet or exceed our operational goals, it's a marketing tool. Whenever a prospective client has a demonstration for what is defined as the nucleus of our operations, it's a hands-down win-win!!"
"I really can’t say enough about the service that Baldwin provides. While the portal depends on the input and engagement of our team members in the SMS process, it certainly makes my job a lot easier knowing that I can go to one place for all of our metrics!"
"In my research I found Baldwin Aviation to be a respected leader in their field with a sterling reputation and a great deal of experience developing and improving flight departments. I feel that their fees are reasonable and they offer a complete package of services that will meet the highest standards in the industry."
"The liability and the potential cost of not being involved in a meaningful program was far greater than the cost of Baldwin's program."
"The auditors expressed they had never seen such an outstanding SMS program."
"Baldwin [was] extremely flexible to our situation and needs and have helped us reach our goal of becoming a 'world class' small flight department. And, their influence and involvement continue. We couldn't have done this without Baldwin."
"Neither the underwriter nor I have seen a better system to date. It will prove helpful when we negotiate the renewal of our insurance program later this year."
"Hey, Baldwin Team,
We passed! We were able to maintain our Stage 2 Cert with very little difficulty, and by all accounts that is in GREAT account to your support and ability to help us on short notice. We really couldn’t have done it without you. Over the years, we have worked closely with you quite a bit, and I never get over how much your team is able to accomplish......Thanks for helping and thank you for all the support! Please pass our gratitude on to the rest of the group."
"With support from....the Baldwin team I began to realize I wasn't swimming' alone....[they] worked to customize their program to fit our specific needs."
"There is no way we could ever have imagined getting the IS-BAO certification without the tools, guidance and support from Baldwin Aviation."