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Don Baldwin


Annual Revision Process

I am sure that most of you are aware that as part of the continuing efforts to keep the IS-BAO current and constantly improving, we do an annual review and revision of the IS-BAO, Audit Procedures Manual and associated guidance material. Work is now underway on the January 1, 2016 revision. The IS-BAO support staff will be reviewing issues and proposed changes that have been passed on by operators, auditors and at IS-BAO Workshops. If anyone has identified any issues that they would like to see addressed in the next revision please pass them to us at this link as soon as practicable: Improve the IS-BAO by Making a Suggestion Here. It is very important that you make your inputs prior to August 1st so there is adequate time for analysis and development of proposals for the Standards Board. We hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter. It includes information about workshops, "NextGen" IS-BAO Training, social media, audit/auditor information, and more. Finally, and as always, if you have any concerns about the program, please contact me directly at Sonnie G. Bates IS-BAO Program Director

Did the SMS Standards Become More Stringent?

Fact is, the Standards related to SMS have not changed significantly over that past few years, yet the protocols have been greatly improved over the past two years to reflect the SMS Standards more accurately, which is why the SMS protocols grew from one to six pages. For example, the 2012 IS-BAO Protocols asked, "Does the SMS Documentation contain appointment of key safety personnel?" whereas since 2014 the protocol asks, "Does the SMS documentation include an appointment of a Safety Manager?" Although this appears to be a subtle difference, some organizations failed to appoint a Safety Manager, and some auditors missed this critical point, due to this lack of clarity in the protocols. Although IBAC is not concerned what the person's actual title is, they must perform the duties of a Safety Manager which are clearly indicated in both the IS-BAO Guidance Material and ICAO Doc 9859. Another critical change to the SMS protocols was the inclusion of Appropriateness and Effectiveness questions, which in 2013 and prior years were found in the IS-BAO Audit Procedures Manual and unfortunately often overlooked by both operators and auditors. Therefore, if it appears your auditor is digging a bit deeper into your SMS than before, it is because the audit tools better reflect the Standards.

IS-BAO Workshops

The IS-BAO workshops have showed robust attendance so far for 2015 and the second quarter is by far no exception. During the period from April – June, we have conducted 28 workshops (Fundamentals and Auditing) in four countries with over 250 registrants. We credit this to a healthy interest by the Business Aviation community to strive further in operating performance. It is recognized that the aviation system as a whole is becoming more complex, leading flight departments and organizations to implement the best defenses possible to maintain control of their operations. The IS-BAO has been identified as a key resource to ensure safe and efficient operations through robust processes and procedures resting on a strong foundation of safety management. It is also important to note that the workshops continue to evolve with the industry. We are bringing in more key topics including: ICAO – IS-BAO connection, Organizational Culture, Fatigue Management and diving more in-depth into Safety Management. The impetus for these evolutions has stemmed from the users who have provided feedback. We will continue to listen for ways to improve and ensure that the workshop experience will continue to evolve. If you have any questions related to education and training, please contact Jason Starke, IS-BAO Operations Manager at

NextGen Training

As some of you may have heard, IBAC is studying how to bring key aspects of IS-BAO training online. It is recognized that certain material related to IS-BAO training can be conveyed as effectively through online mediums as in workshops. Currently, we are in the planning stages and have engaged a trusted organization specializing in online training to help solidify this vision. This is very exciting and will be very beneficial to those who are travel or time restricted. Stay tuned for updates!

Social Media

Did you know that IBAC has a LinkedIn forum for both the IS-BAO and IS-BAH? This is the place where critical information about the IS-BAO program, workshop updates, topical blogs and industry safety information is posted. This forum is interactive, meaning we want to hear from you as well! Questions or comments about either standard or about aviation safety in general are always welcome! Check it out at:

Audit Feedback for Auditors

The following feedback comes from our Audit Manager, Lawrence Fletcher. If you have any questions related to this information, please contact him directly at

  • The over-reference to the computer software such as BAI, PRISM etc. is stretching it for conformance as evidence IAW APM 5.2.3. These applications are merely tools and there should be formal documented procedures on how these tools are interfaced, what the expected procedures within the tools are, what the expected products of the software processes are and how these processes and associated results interface with other organizational processes.

  • Many auditors are waiting for the exchange of signatures to turn in their audits for review. The APM allows operators 30 days to provide their Remedial Action Plans to Findings created during the audit in accordance with APM 7.1.5. The signatures are for the auditor and operator benefit to ensure all documents contain the same information. IBAC does not require the signatures to be finalized before or after the closing meeting is accomplished to turn in the audit for review.

  • As mentioned previously, the operator has 30 days to provide their Remedial Action Plans to the auditor. That doesn’t mean the auditor has an unlimited amount of time after the closing meeting to finalize the Protocols and Reports to turn in the Findings to the operator for their RAPs. This should all be minimized for a faster turn-around of the Audits to the operators.

  • Just a quick note about an audit that does not have an aircraft available to audit. This cannot happen. The IS-BAO audit has always had the requirement to audit an aircraft or two depending on the size and location of the aircraft, whether on the road constantly or at home base. An aircraft audit must be in the Audit Plan.

  • When filling out the Report Form, please remember to ensure an accurate operators point of contact , address, email and phone as they are essential in the reply from IBAC to the operator. Also many auditors are providing type of addresses. This does nothing to provide direct communication of audit assessments to the customer.

  • When an audit has several Minor Non-Conformities/Findings and the operator has other employees provide appropriate resolutions during the audit to the Non-Conformity/Finding, it should be identified as a “N” in the protocol with a RH column comment indicating the Finding was (Completed Onsite) or (Corrected Onsite). A Finding Form does not need to be submitted for (Corrected Onsite) Non-Conformities but they do have to be listed in the Analysis of Non-Conformities end of Chapter block.

  • Please ensure that only properly accredited auditors sign the acceptance of Findings and audits. Non-Accredited auditors may not sign the audit or any Findings.

Auditor Accreditation

Operators, auditors, and the (14) IBAC Member Associations expect and demand that IBAC continuously improve auditor standardization. IS-BAO Policy 2015-02 was enacted January 7, 2015 with this quality improvement in mind. The policy stipulates that during both the initial accreditation and renewal process, candidates and auditors alike must provide evidence of relevant experience in each of the five IS-BAO disciplines to obtain approval for that credential (Fixed Wing, Rotor Wing, Operations, Maintenance, and Advanced SMS). Even before IS-BAO Policy 2015-2, the IS-BAO Audit Procedures Manual stipulated (and still does) that auditors are only authorized to conduct audits for which their scope of accreditation allows. An IS-BAO Bulletin will be sent to all auditors next week to provide more clarity and guidance related to auditor requirements. If you have questions related to IS-BAO Auditor Accreditation, contact the IS-BAO Auditor Accreditation Manager, Mr. Bruce Mayes, at

IS-BAO Operator Statistics

Stage 1: 188

Stage 2: 313

Stage 3: 207

Total: 708

Staying in the Books

The following quiz is just for you to stay in the books. Click here for the answers 1. What are two things the auditor will check first on a renewal audit? 2. Where can information be found related to developing Safety Performance Indicators and Targets? 3. Which flight crew members (pilots) are exempt from receiving annual aircraft type training? 4. The maintenance personnel training programme shall include initial and recurrent training appropriate to the aircraft _____, _____, or ______ for which a maintenance release is to be signed. 5. The operator shall have a process to ensure the computed final reserve fuel meets both the _____ and _____ requirements.

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