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Don Baldwin

IHST Identifies 'Recommended Reading' For Helicopter Pilots

Online Documents Offers Solid Foundation To Enhance Safety, Reduce Accidents

Most of the time, getting back to basics can be a helicopter pilot’s best course of action during any stage of a flight. These documents, according to the safety experts at the International Helicopter Safety Team, offer pilots and operators a basic and solid foundation in order to enhance helicopter safety and reduce accidents.

Helicopter Pilots Code of Conduct: Pilot conduct and professionalism affect the entire aviation community, including its safety culture. Correspondingly, organizational safety culture affects pilot conduct. A voluntary, aspirational code of conduct can promote pilot proficiency and operational safety. This Code of Conduct is just such a tool: a set of guidelines, or recommended practices adaptable to each pilot and organizational need. We encourage you to adopt it, and to commit to the highest principles of aviation safety.

FAA Advisory Circular on Autorotations: The FAA has found a need to raise awareness of the risks inherent in performingautorotations in the training environment, and in particular, the 180 degree autorotation. The purpose of this advisory circular is to describe enhanced guidelines for autorotations during rotorcraft/helicopter flight training and to recommend procedures that will mitigate safety risk during autorotations.

FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook: This handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are preparing for their private, commercial, or flight instructor pilot certificates with a helicopter class rating. Certificated flight instructors may find it a valuable training aid, since detailed coverage of aerodynamics, flight controls, systems, performance, flight maneuvers, emergencies, and aeronautical decision-making is included. This handbook adopts a selective method and concept to flying helicopters and the discussion and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles.

FAA Helicopter Instructor’s Handbook: This handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are preparing for their flight instructor pilot certificate with a helicopter class rating. It contains detailed coverage of aerodynamics, flight controls, systems, performance, flight maneuvers, emergencies, and aeronautical decision-making.

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